07971 446 873 marriott07@hotmail.com

My Principles

Training Principles

I love fitness and my time training in the gym, but It shouldn’t take over your life! What I mean by that is you shouldn’t have to spend hours and hours a day in the gym to achieve your fitness goals!
We all lead very busy lives with family, jobs and all sorts of other things so we need to fit our fitness into our lives, not the other way around!

So how do we do this then??

I am a huge fan of selecting exercises that give you the best ‘bang for your buck’ 

An example could be choosing a multi-joint exercise such as a ‘Squat of deadlift’ your body is going through a big range of movement from your hips, knees and ankle joints are all working together involving all the big muscle groups in your lower body.

The more muscles that are working the more calories you burn and the more muscle activation you get. So if your goal is to lose fat or to improve your strength this is going to be a great exercise for you…. ‘bang for your buck’ !!

‘HIIT Sprints’ I am sure you have heard people at the gym or read online people talking about hiit training right?!

So these are a great style of training as they can give you amazing results and don’t take hours of your time!

What do people do when they want to start getting fit and lose weight?
Go for a run? This is really common and not a bad thing as running is really good for you but can certainly take up a lot of time and get pretty boring for some people (lots of people love it so I am certainly not against it) so we need something with a bit more ‘intensity’ to get the job done!

Something I would do with my clients would be some ‘all out sprints’ on a bike or even running a hill.

Pick a hill that you can run up, and run at the highest pace you can for 30-45 seconds, walk back down (this is your time to recover) then go again. Think all out 100% efforts each time!

Depending on how fit you are you may do 5 sets of 30 seconds, as you become fitter and stronger you can complete up to 10 sets.

All can be done in under an hour and this will leave you ‘buzzing’ after as you will have really pushed your body to a level of intensity that you would never get to when doing a long run.

Give it a try !!

Always think about what exercises you are doing and why you are doing them!!

Nutrition Principles

I will always say ‘Keep it simple!!

"calories in vs calories out"

There are 100’s of diets out there that promise you the most amazing results!

We have all seen them right?

‘Follow this diet and get your beach body in 12 weeks’ or ‘Take this tablet and drink this shake and have washboard abs like never before!’ You get where I am going right?!

We all see these things or even give them ago. You may even start to see some really good progress. What happens then… they are not sustainable in everyday life!

Because they are so restrictive and have so little room for manoeuvre. Then we give up and its over and we go back to what we have always done?!

The main thing with a ‘diet’ is that if your goal is to lose weight (body fat) you must eat fewer calories then you have been, or start burning more calories then before.

"calories in vs calories out"

There are 100’s of diets out there that promise you the most amazing results!

We have all seen them right?

‘Follow this diet and get your beach body in 12 weeks’ or ‘Take this tablet and drink this shake and have washboard abs like never before!’ You get where I am going right?!

We all see these things or even give them ago. You may even start to see some really good progress. What happens then… they are not sustainable in everyday life!

Because they are so restrictive and have so little room for manoeuvre. Then we give up and its over and we go back to what we have always done?!

The main thing with a ‘diet’ is that if your goal is to lose weight (body fat) you must eat fewer calories then you have been, or start burning more calories then before.

"You can't build a house without bricks"

"You can't build a house without bricks"

If your goal is to build muscle and strength you are going to need to eat more calories than you have been… especially protein!!! – Protein is the building blocks for your body.

I will spend a lot of time coaching my clients to have a basic understanding of the 3 macronutrients, protein, carbohydrates and fats (macros).
All 3 play a vital role in your body, and you should have a certain amount in your diet regardless if your goal is weight loss or gaining muscle… we need all 3!!!

The best advise I can give you to take away is learn about basic macronutrients and calories so that you know how much of each you need then you can plan a ‘diet’ with foods you enjoy to fit those – or you can come and start working with me and I will teach you !!

If your goal is to build muscle and strength you are going to need to eat more calories than you have been… especially protein!!! – Protein is the building blocks for your body.

I will spend a lot of time coaching my clients to have a basic understanding of the 3 macronutrients, protein, carbohydrates and fats (macros).
All 3 play a vital role in your body, and you should have a certain amount in your diet regardless if your goal is weight loss or gaining muscle… we need all 3!!!

The best advise I can give you to take away is learn about basic macronutrients and calories so that you know how much of each you need then you can plan a ‘diet’ with foods you enjoy to fit those – or you can come and start working with me and I will teach you !!


07971 446 873




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