07971 446 873 marriott07@hotmail.com

Personal training

Should I be working with a coach as well?

Why work with a Personal trainer?

Personal training is for anyone looking to maximise their time when they exercise.
Working with a great trainer to help coach you along the way is the best way to go about that.
The days of ‘celebrities and movie stars’ being the only people that have a Personal trainer are long gone. These days working with a Personal trainer is commonplace in almost every gym you will visit, and the general public is now reaping the rewards that once were only available to the ‘stars’!
It’s not for ‘lazy’ individuals that want somebody to hold their hand while they walk on the treadmill, those days are long gone as well! If an elite athlete such as Jessica Ennis or Andy Murray uses a coach/Personal trainer to help guide them through their training sessions, maybe you should ask yourself the question. Should I be working with a coach as well?

Should I be working with a coach as well?

Why work with a Personal trainer?

Personal training is for anyone looking to maximise their time when they exercise.
Working with a great trainer to help coach you along the way is the best way to go about that.
The days of ‘celebrities and movie stars’ being the only people that have a Personal trainer are long gone. These days working with a Personal trainer is commonplace in almost every gym you will visit, and the general public is now reaping the rewards that once were only available to the ‘stars’!
It’s not for ‘lazy’ individuals that want somebody to hold their hand while they walk on the treadmill, those days are long gone as well! If an elite athlete such as Jessica Ennis or Andy Murray uses a coach/Personal trainer to help guide them through their training sessions, maybe you should ask yourself the question. Should I be working with a coach as well?

I pride myself on listening to my client’s needs and then putting a plan of action together to help maximise my clients time in the gym. It’s not about training really hard, but training really smart then really hard! That’s what is going to get you to where you want to go!

I really love to work with anyone and everyone. From a serious athlete right through to somebody that is just starting their fitness journey and has zero experience.

If your goal is to learn to get fitter, stronger and leaner then I will do everything I can to help!


07971 446 873




Hammonds End • Harpenden • AL5 2AY

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